Monday, July 28, 2014

Travel Updates


Safe Arrival!

Keep following the crew live with SPOT Tracker!

2:22 PM: The flight is currently orbiting the field at Oshkosh waiting for their turn to land! What a trip!

1:40 PM: The flight is working on joining up for the big arrival.  80 miles out from Oshkosh

11:52 AM: Formation flying with the Siren. Almost there!

9:25 AM: Crossing the Rockies!

6:55 AM:

Over Vegas 
Somewhere in Utah

Flight is Airborne! Follow with SPOT Tracker, Departure Photos

The crew just departed a few hours ago on their non-stop flight from Mojave to Oshkosh.  Follow this link to watch live!

Here are some photos from this morning:
The Tango rolling out of the hangar. 

Towing the Siren. 

Last minute checks. 

Old Blue fueling up. 

CatBird getting ready to fire up. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Follow Our Flights! SPOT Tracker Site Up

We are still on track to leave at sunrise on Monday, July 28! 
Follow this link to watch our non-stop, flight of seven fly from Mojave to Oshkosh:

Monday, July 21, 2014

Formation weekend

We had a very successful weekend practicing formation for the trip and getting some photos while we are at it.

 Here are a few teasers.

 -Elliot and Jenn

Thursday, July 17, 2014

N6CG Wheel Pants Part II

Working on the wheel pant is still moving along. The pants are in place with a light coat of paint to protect them for the elements.  Body work will be done when time permit.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

We have had our first "casualty".  Due to airplane maintenance problems and a stronger desire to work on his C180 project than participate in Mo'Venture with this complication, Tony Ginn will not be flying his Thorp T-18 with us.  Tony was serious about making the trip.  He fitted a spare fuel tank from the Catbird to his Thorp.

We expect to see some progress on that 180 when we get back!

We are still 7 airplanes strong and have added a passenger.  Believe it or not, Catbird and the Tango Time Machine have each manifested a passenger.  Now Catbird has two.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wheel Pants

Everyone says wheel pants take a long time.  I've already spent longer than I should and I'm still not done.

What you see is a carbon fiber version of a NACA 65-025 symmetric airfoil based wheel pant.  It's a reproduction of the wheel pant Gary Hertzler developed for his record breaking Varieze.
Stock EZs have notoriously restrictive induction air tracks.  I chose to go easy route by incorporating a slightly modified Van's Aircraft FAB airbox.  A preliminary flight test showed a 5ktas improvement at 13kft.

Prepping N6CG for the Big Trip

After looking at the planned route again and reviewing the possible performance numbers for a optimized Long-EZ,  I think N6CG has a good chance of making it without an auxiliary tank.  Plus, I like the idea of getting there on as little fuel as practical.  

The following are the ideal range as each modification is incorporated as it relates to the goal.

It look like it will only take another 19nm of range to make the destination with a 20% reserve.  Surely, another 1.7ktas of speed or 0.1gph less fuel flow can be found in two weeks.  It may be easier said than done.


Dustin and his freshly varnished cruise prop!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Wasabi goes to 17,000'

Hey Guys

We installed the oxygen system in Wasabi and yesterday successfully flew to 17,000 to check fuel flows and oxygen flows at altitude.

Very exciting!

Elliot and Jenn

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Time Machine gets a P-Mag

Progress was made!  Final resin wipe on the aux tank, and the fuel cap flange installed on the lid means it's ready for it's final cure cycle, the closeout bond and overwrap plies to contain that lead!
The Tango got some advanced electronics installed over the weekend as well.  The retrofit from a Slick mag to the P-Mag model from E-Mag Ignitions ( has been coming along quickly.  The change requires the addition of one power wire from the main buss to the P-Mag, but everything else is already there; the p-lead and ground are kept from the original mag installation, and that's it.  Since the Tango runs a Vertical Power VP-X Pro, the circuit breaker is already there, so all I had to do was run the wire to a new switch on the panel, and out to the mag.  The switch provides a means to test the P-Mag's self powering feature during the run-up.  That's right, variable timing that operates identical to a magneto above 900 rpm!
Rat's nest?
Don't forget to stop by the E-Mag booth at OSH14, Hangar D, Aisle D, Booth 4061.  Say hi to Brad, and tell him you saw it on the TangoTimeMachine!


Friday, July 4, 2014

Custom Prop for Wasabi

Hey Guys

We just got this picture from Craig Catto of our new custom high efficiency cruiser prop for Wasabi.

This prop should save us a bunch of fuel during the long flight back east.

Elliot Seguin

Flight Test!

 Hey Guys

Justin Gillen and I spent yesterday testing our new systems for the trip.

What was tested

  • Longest flight ever made in Wasabi (4.2 hours ~600 nm)
  • First flight of the alternator
  • First flight of our new MGL fuel flow meter
  • First use of the relief tube
  • First flight of our exhaust mod for the trip
  • Confirmed our fuel burns and speeds
  • Confirmed our new gasket sealer works
  • Confimed our new vent system still needs some work.
A few steps closer!

Elliot Seguin


Thursday, July 3, 2014

New EI for the time machine.

Got a treasure chest from Brad over at E-mag ( Hoping to get a bit better burn with this baby on board!

E-mag P model with built in alternator/internal backup power.

Came with a pile of free stuff, including microwave popcorn to stave off hunger while I run the install; thanks Brad!

Gonna work this over the holiday, happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014