Progress was made! Final resin wipe on the aux tank, and the fuel cap flange installed on the lid means it's ready for it's final cure cycle, the closeout bond and overwrap plies to contain that lead!
The Tango got some advanced electronics installed over the weekend as well. The retrofit from a Slick mag to the P-Mag model from E-Mag Ignitions ( has been coming along quickly. The change requires the addition of one power wire from the main buss to the P-Mag, but everything else is already there; the p-lead and ground are kept from the original mag installation, and that's it. Since the Tango runs a Vertical Power VP-X Pro, the circuit breaker is already there, so all I had to do was run the wire to a new switch on the panel, and out to the mag. The switch provides a means to test the P-Mag's self powering feature during the run-up. That's right, variable timing that operates identical to a magneto above 900 rpm!
Rat's nest? |
Don't forget to stop by the E-Mag booth at OSH14, Hangar D, Aisle D, Booth 4061. Say hi to Brad, and tell him you saw it on the TangoTimeMachine!